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‘She’s Far More Famous Than Any of Us’

CNN host Van Jones warned on Monday that Amber Rose’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) could pose significant challenges for Democrats and might signal the start of a political career for the model.

Following Kanye West’s ex-partner’s endorsement of former President Donald Trump at the RNC, Jones commented:

That was probably the most dangerous speech for the Democratic coalition. That is a young woman of color. She is describing the experience a lot of people have, feeling that maybe around liberals you might get criticized too much, you might not be able to speak your mind, and she spoke to it really well, and she’s way more famous than any of us up here. I’m going to tell you that, way more famous. And so to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster right there.

CNN contributor Scott Jennings also weighed in, noting, “This person is super talented, ok? Like, this person knows how to speak plainly and directly, knows how to use the camera, the cadence of it. She– they got something there.”

Jones responded, “In those big arenas, it’s hard not to want to fill up the room. But you’re not talking to the 30,000 people there, you’re talking to the 30 million people at home, and she was, I mean, she was the most effective. You can be heard in the hall, but you’re in somebody’s living room. She understood that, and I would not be surprised if she doesn’t have a political future.”

Rose, who promoted her cryptocurrency on social media just before taking to the stage, addressed the RNC audience, stating, “The truth is that the media has lied to us about Donald Trump. I know this because for a long time, I believed those lies.”

She continued, “I believed the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist,” before adding that after conducting her own research, she realized, “Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re Black, White, gay, or straight, it’s all love.”

Source: CNN