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Singer addresses ‘predatory’ fans: ‘Please stop touching me’

Singer Chappell Roan is urging her fans to respect her personal boundaries, citing instances of what she describes as “predatory” behavior. Roan, whose debut album “The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess” has gained significant popularity this year, took to Instagram on Friday to voice her concerns.

In her heartfelt post, Roan shared, “I’ve experienced too many nonconsensual physical and social interactions. I chose this career path because of my love for music and art, and to honor my inner child. However, choosing this path does not mean I accept harassment of any kind.”

She emphasized the clear distinction between her “work mode” and personal time. “I don’t agree with the notion that I owe a mutual exchange of energy, time, or attention to people I do not know, do not trust, or who creep me out—just because they’re expressing admiration,” she explained. “Women do not owe you a reason why they don’t want to be touched or talked to.”

Roan further elaborated on what she views as predatory behavior, often disguised as enthusiastic fan behavior. “This has become normalized due to the way well-known women have been treated in the past,” she asserted. “My fame does not mean I have to tolerate creepy people, being touched, and being followed.”

Expressing her desire for a normal life, Roan shared, “I want to love my life, be outside, giggle with my friends, go to the movie theater, feel safe, and do all the things every single person deserves to do. Please stop touching me. Please stop being weird to my family and friends.”

Despite feeling an outpouring of love from her fans, Roan acknowledged, “I feel more love than I ever have in my life. I feel the most unsafe I have ever felt in my life.” She concluded her heartfelt note by expressing the importance of retaining a part of herself that is just for her. “There is a part of myself that is just for me, and I don’t want that taken away from me,” she wrote, thanking her followers for reading her message.

Last week, Roan used TikTok to share more about the “weird” interactions she’s experienced with some fans. She clarified that her comments were not directed at any specific individual or encounter but were more about sharing her own feelings and experiences.

Source: ABC News