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‘Sister Wives’: Did Kody Brown’s Dad Want Janelle for Another Son?

Did Sister Wives star Kody Brown’s father, Winn, truly want Janelle Brown for another one of his sons? Janelle’s integration into the plural family seemed smooth from the outside, but what was really happening behind the scenes?

Janelle Brown knew Kody Brown long before becoming his second wife. Initially, she was married to Meri Brown’s brother, Adam. That marriage eventually ended, leading Janelle to the polygamist lifestyle. She then became Kody’s second wife, followed by two more women. However, if Kody’s father, Winn Brown, had his way, Janelle would have married another one of his sons. Kody had four brothers, one now deceased, and five sisters, making it unclear which son Winn preferred for Janelle.

This information surfaced in the bestselling book, Becoming Sister Wives, where Janelle discussed a period in her life marked by exploration and a desire to connect with Native American culture. During this time, she quit her job, bought a teepee, and aimed to embrace this lifestyle as fully as possible. Since Kody’s father had married Janelle’s mother, he offered her a place on his ranch, providing her the option to come inside whenever needed. Winn took Janelle under his wing, hoping to find her a husband among his other sons.

Even though Winn preferred one of Kody’s brothers for Janelle, it seems she was not interested in settling. Instead, she had her eyes set on Kody, a detail discussed in a Reddit thread. The thread featured various reactions:

  • I wonder if she looks back and thinks Winn was right, he was trying to save his wife’s daughter from marrying a loser.
  • So Janelle quits her job to live in a teepee? And she’s the supposed financial-guru in the family?
  • Which one I wonder?

Sister Wives fans found themselves baffled by the timeline. They speculated that Kody Brown’s dad and Janelle Brown’s mom met while she and Kody were dating, yet it appeared they were already married when Winn tried to pair Janelle with another of his sons. The chronological sequence remains vague. Additionally, fans questioned Janelle living in a teepee after quitting her job, given her reputation as the family’s financial expert. Moreover, the mystery of which brother Winn wanted for Janelle still looms large. It appears that fans might never receive a definitive answer.

Are you surprised that Winn wanted Janelle with someone else? Or perhaps he thought she was too good for Kody? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: TV Shows Ace