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Six found dead inside home in SLP

San Luis Potosi.- Six bodies were found early this Monday inside a home located in the La Pila district, approximately 20 kilometers from the capital of San Luis Potosí.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) assured that a line of investigation being followed for the massacre is the alleged dispute between criminal groups dedicated to drug trafficking, without saying which ones.

“The General Directorate of Investigation Methods (DGMI) moved to Benito Juárez Street in the El Jaralito community, in order to begin the first investigations,” explained the ministerial institution.

According to police reports, all the bodies were found with gunshot wounds in an area that since 2022 has been disputed by a group called “Operation Bélica” against the Gulf Cartel.

President Ricardo Gallardo (PVEM) blamed the municipalities, in this case the one in the state capital headed by Mayor Enrique Francisco Galindo (PRI-PAN-PRD), for abandoning security coordination.

“We are going to be in La Pila for 24 hours, with security from Sedena, the National Guard and the State, I wish the municipalities would support us a little, because they leave us alone. We had more than six months without incident, but now they want to take over again,” said.

State Security spokesperson, Miguel Gallegos Cepeda, said that at least 60 or 70 elements of the Civil Guard will reinforce the area.

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