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Slipknot’s Sid Wilson Recovering After Severe Burns in Bonfire Accident

Slipknot’s Sid Wilson is on the mend at home after suffering “serious” burns in a bonfire mishap.

Through a series of Instagram Live videos posted yesterday, Sid reassured fans of his condition, saying he was going to be “all right” as he shared updates on his recovery journey.

“I had an explosion in my face,” he explained in the first video. “I’m OK, I’m gonna be OK, but I did have some serious burns to my face and my arms.” He provided close-ups showing his “singed” eyebrows, “blistered” mouth, and arms, which bore the brunt of the flames. The simple caption read, “Ouch.”

Slipknot issued a statement on their page, writing, “Our brother Sid Wilson was in an accident today and sustained burns across his body. He’s recovering with his family and will still join us on stage at Rocklahoma next weekend. He thanks everyone for the well wishes, and will see you all soon.”

In his first video, Wilson showed medical personnel guiding him through deep breaths while hooked up to a nasal cannula. He mentioned an upcoming X-ray to ensure he didn’t “inhale any flames.” In the background, nurses were asking where to place his hospital bracelet. Wilson humorously recalled being likely in the same hospital during the New Year last year when he cut his finger off.

Despite the ordeal, Wilson appeared in good spirits, admitting his skin “stings” and his wounds were being dressed. He added resolutely, “I don’t care what it takes. I will see you on tour.”

Making light of the situation, he quipped, “I’m allergic to fire, apparently.” In the background, a woman’s voice is heard shouting, “Get off Instagram” and “get the f— off the phone.”

The second video, longer at over 10 minutes, showed Wilson being transferred to another facility specializing in burn treatments. He pointed out his social media presence as evidence that he wasn’t in a dire state.

“I will say, I do know better,” Sid conceded, mentioning that he was burned while working on his farm. “Everyone out there, be really safe when you’re messing with fire. Something I dealt with tons of times.”

He continued with his light-hearted nature, saying, “This ain’t gonna stop me.” He joked about his situation, remarking, “Did my brows for free. Got some real sideburns,” and “cheap Botox” for his lips.

Concluding his video, Wilson expressed gratitude, “I want to say thank you to everybody for all the get well wishes and all the stuff. Everyone don’t worry about me. I’m gonna be OK. I don’t want anyone to get too worked up over this. That’s why I’m on IG Live, so you can all see, ‘Here I am.’ Strong man, gonna be all right. Just need to slow down sometimes and trust that inner voice. Sometimes when you’re a big brave man that aspect of it can get in the way of rational thought. Rational thought’s a lot tougher than anything else most of the time.”

His partner, Kelly Osbourne, also used Instagram to share updates while she was on her way to pick Wilson up from the hospital. “He’s still in a lot of pain, but he’s doing so, so much better,” she said, thanking fans for their “well wishes and prayers.”

Embracing a little levity, Osbourne later posted a series of videos of Wilson asleep, set to popular tunes featuring the word “fire.” The songs included “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys, “Firestarter” by The Prodigy, “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis, “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, and “Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele.

Earlier today, Wilson posted a selfie, with the caption, “On my way home.”

Source: Variety, New York Times