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Sofía Vergara confirms relationship with Justin Saliman

After a high-profile divorce, Sofia Vergara has taken a turn in her love life and seems to have found a new opportunity in love.

Since the end of 2023, the actress has been surrounded by romance rumors with the orthopedic surgeon Justin Saliman and recently, she has made her feelings for him publicly clear.

In a story on her Instagram, Vergara shared a message that caught the attention of all her followers: “If you ever have knee surgery, make sure you get an attractive doctor to sleep with you that same night.” This statement left no doubt about the Colombian actress’s feelings towards Saliman.

Sofía Vergara closed her message with the words “I love you Dr. Justin Saliman”, thus confirming their relationship and dispelling any speculation about her love life.

Although Vergara did not provide details about the medical procedure, it appears that she is recovering well with Saliman’s help. Rumors about their relationship had been circulating for months, and the increasingly frequent presence of the two together fueled speculation even more.

With this public declaration of love, Sofía Vergara has taken a step forward in her relationship with Justin Saliman, openly sharing her happiness and confirming the special place he occupies in her life.

MORE TO SEE: Sofía Vergara reveals her criteria for finding a partner after her divorce

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