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Spain to Witness Unprecedented Trio of Eclipses, Dates Revealed

Behind the solar eclipse that traveled North America and lived with great expectation on the part of the astronomers and astronomy enthusiasts attention is now on the northern and southern Europe.

For this reason, Spain you will be able to enjoy an exceptional event after 119 years – the last one was in 1905 – without witnessing a total solar eclipse.

It is a phenomenon called a freak where the Moon hidden from the Sun seen from the Earth and generates an unforgettable moment for those who have the opportunity to see it with suitable eye protection, which is necessary to avoid irreversible eye damage.

Although this is not the only news because there will be three eclipses of the highest category and in three consecutive years – the first two will be totals and the last, cancel, called the “Iberian trio”.

This means that after a long time, the Spanish people they will be able to live in this same decade three great solar eclipses in consecutive years. In this article we tell you when will the dates be and everything you need to know about this phenomenon.

Spain is preparing to be the scene of an exceptional event: three solar eclipses in three consecutive years, in 2026, 2027, and 2028. The first two will be total while the last one will be annular.

Although solar eclipses occur several times a year, they cover a small part of the planet thus generating hollow probabilities that one person see more than one throughout his life. For this reason, the astronomical phenomenon will be unprecedented and generates many expectations in those interested in astronomy.

Below, we tell you more about each of these solar eclipses.

The first of these events will take place on August 12, 2026 late in the afternoon. It will be visible in cities like To Coruna, Gijon, Oviedo, Santander, Valladolid, Vitoria, Zaragoza, Valencia, Castellón, Tarragona, and the Balearic Islands. However, Madrid and Barcelona are outside the places that will be able to enjoy the event.

The second total eclipse will be August 2, 2027, also at sunset since, like the previous one, it will take place in midsummer. Cadiz and Malaga along with the autonomous cities will be the only capitals that you will be able to see the hidden Sun.

The third solar eclipse you can enjoy on January 26, 2028. However, this event will be annular. This means that when the moon a little more far from Earth and have a smaller size, it does not completely cover the Sun, leaving a ring visible around the moon. This annular eclipse will be partially visible throughout Spain, but its route will be limited to a strip that will obscure parts of Andalusia, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, Murcia, C. Valenciana, Aragon, Catalonia, and the Balearic Islands.

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