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Speedboat Disembarks Dozens of Immigrants on Shore in Dramatic Video Footage

Dozens of migrants were caught on camera jumping off a speedboat that washed ashore at a California beach over the weekend and running toward a nearby town, in what locals say is becoming a common occurrence.

Por New York Post

A video posted online shows the speedboat racing toward shore in Carlsbad on Saturday, narrowly avoiding a nearby surfer.

Almost as soon as it landed, a group of adult migrants were seen jumping off the ship and running toward a row of waterfront homes.

The migrants were then seen getting into a black van near Ocean Street, but the driver appeared to be in such a hurry that one woman nearly fell over when it started moving.

Other immigrants who could not fit inside the vehicle were then seen crossing the street and walking towards the prosperous city.

“It seemed like it was a planned deal,” resident Susan Hargis told KUSI.

The man who filmed the incident also mentioned that “it looked like a military exercise,” and told KGTV that he counted 22 people jumping off the speedboat.

“Seeing it live like that, I mean, even the police and border patrol said they never saw it live like I did,” the unidentified resident recounted.

Read more at New York Post

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