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Taylor Swift’s Impact on the NFL: Will Her Harris Endorsement Change the Game?

The influence of Taylor Swift has significantly impacted America’s major events, including the recent presidential race. After a debate where Swift endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, many are curious about how this might sway voters in the upcoming election.

According to Resonate, a data and intelligence firm, Swift’s endorsement could potentially alter the voting landscape. Resonate utilizes advanced AI techniques to analyze online interactions, providing insights about over 250 million Americans. The company indicates that approximately 2.3 million individuals in critical battleground states might be influenced by celebrity endorsements. Swift’s recent Instagram post, which supported Harris and criticized former President Donald Trump for misleading AI-generated endorsements, could lead these individuals to reconsider their voting choices.

Resonate’s definition of battleground states is broader than typically understood. If Swift’s fans mobilize for Harris, states like Florida might become competitive once again. The company estimates that around 667,000 voters in Florida – roughly 29% of the 2.3 million influenced – may find themselves swayed by Swift’s support.

While the majority of those potentially affected by Swift’s endorsement are young, female voters—particularly millennial women—there is also a diverse demographic involved. This indicates that her influence reaches beyond a single group, emphasizing her broad appeal.

Swift’s impact is not new; her celebrity has been felt in various sectors beyond music. During her Eras Tour, which grossed over $1 billion, her influence transcended her songs. She also played a part in increasing NFL game viewership among teenage girls by 8% within the current season, and her appearance at Super Bowl 58 contributed to that event becoming the most-watched telecast in history, drawing in 123.4 million viewers.

Following the debate, Harris saw a noticeable lift in her odds on presidential betting markets, reflected in data from sources like Betfair Exchange and Polymarket. The trending upticks in these markets coincide with Swift’s recent endorsement, indicating a significant shift in public perception.

While watching football may be a more leisurely alternative to participating in elections, Swift’s endorsement has already had measurable effects on voter engagement. In the first 24 hours post her Instagram message, recorded 405,999 visitors from Swift’s shared link. This starkly contrasts with the week before when the site averaged around 30,000 daily visitors.

However, it’s important to understand that acts as a gateway rather than a complete solution, as the site directs users to state-specific election processes where they can register and learn more about voting. Among the individuals reportedly influenced by Swift’s message, 79% are registered voters, and approximately 828,000—about 36% of those who were undecided—indicate they are now more likely to participate in the election.

Nonetheless, not all who are intrigued by Swift’s influence are fully committed to Harris just yet. Resonate notes that around 874,000 remain undecided and express moderate positions on fiscal and social issues. Within this group of 2.3 million, some key characteristics emerge:

◾ Regarding the economy, 805,000 individuals are uncertain which party they trust regarding jobs and economic issues, and they are echoing sentiments that “times are hard.”

◾ A significant 64%, or 1.5 million, support Harris’ stance on abortion, although many are still unsure which party they can rely upon.

◾ About 30% report concerns about crime and violence, as well as issues related to discrimination.

As the 2024 election approaches, the interplay between celebrity influence and voter decision-making could shape the political landscape in unforeseen ways.

Source: USA Today