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Teenager’s heroic sacrifice saves father and four others in Florida

A heartwarming story from Florida has captured the attention of many: Shawn Glenn’s life was saved by his 13-year-old daughter, who donated one of her kidneys to him. Additionally, four other individuals are now alive thanks to organs from the deceased teenager.

Symaria Glenn passed away in February due to a brain hemorrhage, prompting her parents to make the decision to donate her organs in order to honor her memory, as reported by the television station WSAZ.

The teenager’s life took a tragic turn on January 31 when she was rushed to the hospital with a severe headache.

“Not knowing the seriousness of the situation, her brain was bleeding. She was initially taken to a local hospital and then airlifted to Joe DiMaggio,” recounted Dhima Martin, the teen’s mother.

After being hospitalized for a week before her passing, the family made the compassionate choice to help save the lives of others by donating Symaria’s organs.

Medical staff formed a guard of honor in the hospital corridors as the teenager’s body was escorted to the operating room for organ recovery.

One of the recipients of the donated organs was Symaria’s father, who had kept his need for a kidney transplant a secret from his children.

“She would have wanted this. She would have wanted to save her father,” shared Martin.

DonateLife America, an organization dedicated to raising awareness about organ donation, estimates that approximately 100,000 people in the United States rely on this lifesaving act, with 86% in need of a kidney, according to The New Herald.

On average, another person is added to the national transplant waiting list every eight minutes. Tragically, 5,600 individuals in the country lost their lives in 2022 while waiting for an organ.

Stories of organ donation and transplantation worldwide serve as inspiring examples of compassion and generosity to people everywhere.

One such story is that of Amanda Lemus Ortiz, a young Cuban girl who underwent a successful liver transplant surgery in Spain. Following some challenging days post-operation, she was able to move out of the Intensive Care Unit at La Paz Hospital in Madrid and into a recovery room on Monday.

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