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Tesla: The Star Engineer Dismissed for Publicly Denouncing the Company and Filing Defamation Lawsuit Against Elon Musk

Cristina Balan

Image source, Cristina Balan

Article information

  • Author, Zoe Kleinman
  • Role, Technology Editor, BBC

Cristina Balan denounced Tesla and has been in a legal battle with Elon Musk and his company for a decade, seeking a public apology. Balan emphasized her fight for justice even as she battled breast cancer, finishing her treatment recently.

Formerly an engineer at Tesla, Balan faced termination in 2014 after raising safety concerns about Tesla vehicles’ brakes. Despite winning a wrongful termination case, Tesla accused Balan of embezzlement, a claim she vehemently denies.

Balan accuses Tesla of defamation and believes her tumor from breast cancer may prevent her from seeing the case’s outcome. She is determined to clear her name for the sake of her son and future career.

Balan’s case draws attention to the challenges faced by whistleblowers in the tech industry, with Schnell advising cautious approach before making allegations public.

Additional information from Philippa Wain.

Las siglas CB en una batería del Tesla Model S

Image source, Cristina Balan

Balan shared troubling communications with Tesla regarding safety issues in their vehicles, but her concerns were dismissed, leading to her job loss. Despite efforts to communicate directly with Musk, Balan’s fears were ignored, culminating in her termination.

While Musk’s leadership style has been successful for Tesla, whistleblowers like Balan shed light on the need for industry accountability and employee protection. Balan’s quest for justice is ongoing, highlighting the challenges whistleblowers face in the technology sector.

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