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The Bold & The Beautiful Spoilers: Who Murdered Hollis?

Another murder disrupts the peace this week on The Bold & The Beautiful! Amidst the chaos, Li believes she knows who the culprit is, Finn brings startling revelations about the deaths, and Deacon demands clarity. On the emotional front, Hope admits her feelings for Finn, complicating matters even further.

The week begins with Deacon and Sheila’s shocking discovery of Hollis’s body at Il Giardino. They stumble upon the lifeless form early in the morning while opening the restaurant. At the hospital, Li shares her suspicion with Poppy, emphatically stating, “I know exactly who did it.” Given Li’s strained history with Sheila, it’s clear who she has in mind as the prime suspect!

Steffy receives shocking news from Finn regarding Hollis’s death. “He died of the same drug that killed Tom,” Finn discloses. Initially presumed an overdose due to Tom’s past struggles with addiction, this revelation about Hollis points to foul play. It raises the stakes, suggesting there’s a killer determined to hide their identity. How far will they go to maintain their secrecy?
How far will Hope go? CBS

With the tragic deaths prompting a shutdown of Il Giardino, Deacon is beside himself with grief and frustration. “I lost my friends,” he confides in Sheila. “I want answers. I want to know what the hell happened!” However, it seems even Sheila, notorious for her devious schemes, is at a loss for answers. Despite her suspicious past, is she too obvious a suspect? Could there be someone else orchestrating the chaos, aiming to pin the blame on her?

Meanwhile, Hope faces her own turmoil. Still reeling from Thomas’s decision to marry Paris, she grapples with her feelings for Finn, Steffy’s husband. “I find you attractive,” she candidly tells Finn. Despite providing emotional support to Hope during her distressing period, Finn feels the need to set boundaries. “You can’t talk this way,” he cautions. Not deterred, Hope leans in and wistfully asks, “Can’t a girl dream?” Is she merely fantasizing, or is this a prelude to taking bold steps forward?

Stay tuned to The Bold & The Beautiful for the unfolding drama and more thrilling revelations.

Source: Soaps In Depth