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The First and Only Person to Portray Themselves in the Franchise

Stephen Hawking made a memorable visit to the sets of both “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”. Although he only acted once on “TNG”, his impact was notable. During his time on the engineering set, he famously quipped, “I’m working on that,” while passing the ship’s warp core. He humorously remarked that Paramount never paid out the chips he won in the poker scene.

Hawking’s television appearances weren’t confined to the “Star Trek” universe. The renowned physicist, celebrated for his groundbreaking work on black holes and the nature of space and time, also made appearances in documentaries about “Doctor Who” and “Red Dwarf.” Additionally, he lent his voice or likeness to popular shows like “The Simpsons,” “Futurama,” and “The Big Bang Theory.”

What makes these appearances even more remarkable is that Stephen Hawking accomplished them while battling Lou Gehrig’s disease, which had confined him to a wheelchair since he was diagnosed at the age of 22. Despite losing the ability to speak due to the illness, Hawking communicated through a sophisticated voice-synthesizing device, which he controlled using the muscles in his cheek.

Stephen Hawking passed away in March 2018 at the age of 76. Nonetheless, his unparalleled contributions to science, and his memorable cameo in a franchise that has inspired countless scientists like himself, will endure through time.

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