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The Transformation of Liam Aaron McDermott, Tori Spelling’s Son

On June 15, 2019, Liam Aaron McDermott celebrated his 6th grade graduation with great enthusiasm as he prepared to step into 7th grade. This bright young boy had multiple achievements under his belt. Not only did he earn impressive grades, but he also captured the audience’s admiration with his speech during the moving up ceremony. “His speech blew everyone away,” Tori Spelling would later reveal.

Both thrilled parents took to Instagram to share a series of photos from the memorable day. These images showed a very delighted Liam alongside his family. Dressed in a funky, fruit-print button-down shirt paired with a sharp gray suit, Liam’s big smile could hardly be contained as he proudly displayed his diploma for the camera.

In her Instagram post, Spelling expressed her joy and admiration for Liam. “He started at this school as a tiny little blonde babe and has grown into a kind, clever, smart, resilient, driven, funny, and amazing young man,” she wrote. “I love you so much monkey and you make me proud every day with the unbelievable human that you are!”

Dean McDermott also took a moment to celebrate Liam’s milestone. On his own Instagram account, he praised the new graduate, writing, “So proud of this young man. Handsome AND moving on to the 7th grade!!”

Source: source names