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The Trial for the Death of Alejandro Cohn Commences: 9 Suspects on Trial – LA NACION

The trial for the death of Alejandro Cohn has begun, with a total of 9 accused individuals facing charges in the case. Alejandro Cohn was 35 years old at the time of his death, and the trial has started with the presence of the accused doctors.

The trial has brought a sense of closure for the family, with director Mariano Cohn expressing his feelings by stating, “I felt that impunity was ending today.” The emotional impact of the trial is further reflected in the documentary titled ‘Brothers’, which portrays the “devastating” family tragedy experienced by filmmaker Cohn.

The development has garnered significant attention, with news outlets reporting on the start of the trial. The case has captured the public’s interest, with headlines highlighting the seriousness of the matter. The trial marks an important step towards seeking justice for Alejandro Cohn and holding the accused individuals accountable for their actions.

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