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Theory: Darker Side of Ewoks Explains Leia’s Dress in Return of the Jedi

Though often overlooked by many “Star Wars” fans, “Return of the Jedi” clearly shows that the Ewoks have no reservations about eating humans. This fact becomes apparent when Luke Skywalker, Han Solo (Harrison Ford), various Rebel soldiers, and the Wookiee Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) are captured and taken to the Ewok village. Once there, it’s quite obvious that the Ewoks intend to cook and eat them. Fortunately, Luke’s skills with the Force and their belief that C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) is some kind of deity save them from becoming dinner.

If that scene wasn’t proof enough, the end of the Battle of Endor and the subsequent destruction of the second Death Star heavily imply that Ewoks did end up consuming humans. During the celebration on the forest moon, where the Ewoks and Rebels rejoice over the fall of the Empire, numerous empty Imperial trooper helmets are seen being used as instruments. The absence of the troopers’ bodies leads many “Star Wars” fans to conclude that these troopers were eaten off-screen, leaving only their armor behind. This also raises the intriguing possibility about the origin of Princess Leia’s dress.

The Ewoks are unsung heroes in the “Star Wars” universe, clearly not to be underestimated. Not only will they put their lives on the line to help topple a fascist regime, but they also appear to have no qualms about feasting on their enemies afterward. These furry warriors symbolize a surprising and formidable force within the franchise.

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