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Travis Kelce Comforts Injured Fan After Hitting Her with Golf Ball, Video Reveals

Travis Kelce experienced a few wayward shots during his charity golf game on Friday. A video obtained by TMZ shows one of these shots hitting a woman in the head, causing her to bleed.

The video captures the incident’s aftermath, where eyewitnesses noted that Travis’s shot on the 16th fairway went off course, heading straight for spectators before striking a woman. She can be seen sitting on the ground with someone holding a cloth to her head to control the bleeding.

Despite the alarming incident, no one appears particularly upset or frantic. Kelce is seen searching for the medic who arrives shortly after to assist the injured onlooker.

The medics eventually arrive, and Travis assists her in getting to her feet and poses for a picture before she is transported in a golf cart, sitting upright in the passenger seat.

Interestingly, another stray ball flew over the crowd, causing people to duck. This one was reportedly hit by Travis’s brother, Jason Kelce, indicating it wasn’t an accurate day for the Kelce brothers.

During the tournament, Travis also accidentally hit a man in the arm with another shot, showing a light-hearted moment by kissing the man’s arm better.

Unperturbed, Travis continued to play the ball from where it lay, advising people to move out of the way, prompting laughter from the crowd.

Despite the mishaps, everyone seemed to be in good spirits, though it might be wise to keep a safe distance when Travis takes a swing next time.

Attempts to reach Travis’s team for comments on the incidents have so far been unsuccessful.

Source: TMZ