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Truck Overturns in Santiago de Cuba

A truck from the Chinese manufacturer HOWO was involved in an accident in Santiago de Cuba on Monday when it overturned on a road for unknown reasons.

According to a report published on social networks, the incident took place on the Siboney highway in the town of Las Guásimas, located in the Contramaestre municipality.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

“The driver was not injured!” announced the author of the report posted in the Facebook group ‘Bus & Truck Accidents’.

In the comments on the post, an internet user mentioned that the truck belonged to the Las Tunas Construction and Assembly Company and was serving at the Moncada cement factory.

Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

Another internet user identified the driver of the truck with the last name Cutiño but mentioned that the vehicle belonged to someone named Rafelito.

“I saw it happen. She made the simplest turn I’ve ever seen. A simple curve and crash, she overturned,” a witness of the accident shared.

Some expressed concerns about the quality of HOWO trucks. “One overturned in Loma del Yarey and now another in Santiago de Cuba…hmm,” one person noted. “Seems like HOWOs are tipping over now. What’s happening?” another commented.

Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

Just a few days earlier, a truck overturned on the side of the Central Highway in Las Tunas, a few kilometers from the city, towards the neighboring province of Holguín, for reasons unknown.

The day before that, the driver of a HOWO truck that overturned in Granma province had to spend four hours trapped in the vehicle before being rescued by firefighters.

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