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Trump Calls Kamala Harris ‘Beautiful’ in Elon Musk X Interview, Compares to Melania

During a recent two-hour interview with Elon Musk on X Spaces, former President Donald Trump made headlines with his unexpected comments about his political rival, Kamala Harris. The session, which aimed to be a groundbreaking discussion, was plagued with technical issues right from the start, leading to a 40-minute delay attributed to a cyberattack.

Once the interview commenced, Trump wasted no time launching into a critical assessment of Harris. He labeled her a “terrible” leader, suggesting she lacks the competence needed for high-level negotiations, especially with global leaders like China’s Xi Jinping. “We need smart people, and people that have the ability to lead. She doesn’t have that ability,” Trump remarked, noticeably speaking with a lisp.

Musk, maintaining a congenial demeanor, agreed, stating that it would indeed be “silly” to imagine Harris in such a role. Trump reiterated his disapproval, stating, “She is terrible, she is terrible. She’s getting a free ride.” Yet, the conversation took a peculiar turn when Trump transitioned from critique to admiration, comparing Harris’s appearance to that of his wife, Melania Trump.

Trump expressed his view after seeing Harris featured in the latest edition of Time Magazine, noting that she looked like “the most beautiful actress ever to live.” The magazine described her campaign as representing “the swiftest vibe shift in modern political history.” Trump continued his praise by claiming that Harris resembled Melania, to which Musk responded awkwardly with a chuckle and a hesitant acknowledgment.

“She didn’t look like Camilla,” Trump awkwardly stated, mispronouncing Harris’s name but conceding her beauty. Musk, having noticed the unusual shift in the conversation, attempted to redirect the dialogue by focusing on the American dream.

The interview, during which Musk described himself as a “free speech absolutist,” was intended to serve as an avenue to combat what he referred to as the “woke mind virus.” However, it was overshadowed by a series of technical difficulties that detracted from the much-anticipated live-streaming event.

As the conversation progressed, Musk posed questions that allowed Trump to dodge in-depth discussions of policy, instead reverting to familiar talking points. According to a CNN fact-check, Trump made over 20 false claims, including his incorrect assertions about Venezuela sending criminals to the U.S. and exaggerated predictions about rising ocean levels.

Trump sustained his narratives, proclaiming that Kim Jong Un “really likes me” following their shared dinner, and referred to the North Korean leader as the “absolute boss.” He also praised Musk’s assertive management style, labeling him the “greatest cutter” for dismissing employees who express dissatisfaction over work conditions.

In a surprising shift, Musk, who previously supported President Joe Biden in the 2020 elections, publicly endorsed Trump’s presidential bid last month. Following the interview with Trump, Musk took to his platform to extend an invitation to Harris, suggesting he would be willing to interview her too.

In response to the exchange between Musk and Trump, Harris’s campaign team issued a pointed statement. They referred to the former president and the tech mogul as “self-obsessed rich guys” who fail to address the needs of the middle class, remarking derisively that they couldn’t even manage a live stream in 2024.

This friendly yet contentious interview has sparked conversations about political discourse and the dynamics between tech leaders and political figures as the November elections draw closer.

Source: source names