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‘Unexpected’ Fans Worried About Tyra Boisseau’s Daughter Layla

Unexpected fans are expressing concern for show alum Tyra Boisseau’s daughter, Layla. Known for her big personality, Layla’s well-being is now in question, considering the turbulent relationship of her parents. Here’s what has prompted this worry and whether everything is okay.

Tyra Boisseau, who became a teen mother along with her sister Tiarra Boisseau and their cousin Taylor, featured in Season 3 of Unexpected. The trio, raised together, was eager to raise their daughters similarly. Tyra faced significant ups and downs with her baby daddy, Alex Wilson. By Season 5, Alex had fathered a child with another woman, causing a continual on-and-off struggle in their relationship. Post the season, Tiarra announced both she and Tyra would be leaving the show. Shortly after, it was revealed that Tyra was expecting her second child with Alex.

Although Tyra and Alex separated again, she welcomed a son, and they appear to be working on their relationship. Recently, during one of Tyra’s live TikTok sessions, which she uses to engage with fans and earn income, an incident involving Layla caught the attention of viewers. While Tyra was live, with Alex playing a game in the background, Layla wanted to sleep but refused to do so without her mother. Fans were upset that Tyra didn’t sign off to attend to her daughter. One Reddit user wrote:

  • Both Tyra and Alex are loud asl he’s on the game, she’s on live but she’s expected to just go lay down 😐 instead of getting off, she threatens Layla and says “Ima gonna get of here if you don’t go to sleep” .. so weird 🙄

This observation led other Unexpected fans to question Tyra’s priorities and behavior:

  • That’s… unfortunate. I really hoped Tyra would not be that kind of mom.
  • Someone mentioned last year that she would be doing lives where she was cooking Layla dinner at 10:30 or 11pm and then would ignore her for hours afterward.

One follower suggested that if fans stopped watching the TikTok Lives, Tyra might cease this behavior. Another was surprised these individuals didn’t have conventional jobs. More people shared concerns about how Tyra has always treated Layla during her live sessions:

  • She’s always treated Layla like crap during her lives 🚮 she’ll literally be screaming in the background running around obviously attention-seeking & wanting her mom’s attention & she doesn’t get it. Tyra needs to get off lives. I cannot stand her & do not see how people worship the ground she walks on.
  • A lot of people on here say that’s typical of Tyra. Like she would be on live at a very late hour and Layla would still be awake and being ignored.

This behavior does not seem unusual, but as long as Tyra continues to receive views, she apparently sees no need to change. Critics hope that more people calling her out will eventually lead to a shift in her actions. However, it seems Tyra is not losing enough income from her online sessions to feel pressured into altering her ways.

Have you witnessed Tyra treating Layla poorly during her TikTok Lives? Are you concerned for Layla’s well-being, and what do you think could and should be done about it? Share your thoughts and continue to watch Unexpected on Mondays on TLC.

Source: TV Shows Ace