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US Imposes New Sanctions Targeting Iran’s Missile and Drone Development Post Israel Attack

The US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, announced on Tuesday that the USA and its allies will sanction Iran “in the coming days” for the attack against Israel.

“We will take additional measures against Iran in the coming days,” she said at a press conference during the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in Washington.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated that the sanctions will target Iran’s missile and drone program, as well as impose new sanctions on entities supporting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Ministry of Defense.

“We will not hesitate to continue to act with allies and partners worldwide, along with Congress, to hold the Iranian government accountable for its destabilizing actions,” Sullivan added.

Yellen also mentioned that “all options to disrupt Iran’s terrorist financing remain on the table.”

Details about specific sanctions were not provided, but Yellen hinted at potentially increasing controls to prevent Tehran from bypassing existing US sanctions on its oil sector.

Meanwhile, the EU’s foreign policy chief, Joseph Borrell, announced that Brussels would work on expanding sanctions on Iran following its attack on Israel.

The G7 is also considering imposing additional sanctions on Iran and designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group.

Efforts to promote new sanctions against Iran are underway as several Western countries urge Israel to show restraint to avoid a major military response that could escalate into a full-scale war in the Middle East.

The spring meetings of the WB and the IMF bring together the world’s main finance and economic ministers, with additional meetings scheduled for the economy and finance ministers of the G20 and the G24, a group that includes developing countries like Iran.

(With information from EFE)

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