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USCIS Announces Employment Authorizations for Designated Migrants

Through the figure of Employment Authorization Procedures, US authorities provide the opportunity to work for foreign citizens whose situation prevents them from returning to their country and they need support to be able to remain and develop in North American territory. In that sense, the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced this benefit for Palestinians Protected by Deferred Forced Departure.

Thanks to this announcement, protected Palestinians will be able to apply for employment authorization documents thanks to which They will be able to work legally in the United States at least until August 13, 2025. Which also guarantees that they cannot be deported from the country if they meet certain requirements and the permit is authorized.

For to be part of this benefit it is necessary:

  • Have entered the territory before February 14, 2024.
  • Have a passport or identification card issued by a Palestinian authority.
  • Carry out the formal request before USCIS using Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization.
  • Make a payment of US$470.

After the announcement Uscis assured that it will be responsible for reviewing each request fairly, humane and efficient to determine whether the person meets the eligibility criteria.

He also highlighted that he has recently improved his response times for people who have Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status who have requested an Employment Authorization Document, so hopes to continue simplifying the adjudication processing in this case for the Palestinians.

The USCIS announcement on the Employment Authorization Procedures for Palestinians Protected by Deferred Forced Departure will not only be a benefit for those who already have a job or plan to look for one, also for students.

The authorities announced that will suspend certain regulatory requirements for nonimmigrant Palestinian students who are in the country on an F-1 visa. That is, they will open the Special Student Aid program.

Based on the above, eligible Palestinian students, They can apply for employment authorization and work a greater number of hours That’s even if it means reducing their course load, as long as they continue to maintain their student status.

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