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USGS Reports Earthquake Rattling the US on April 15: Magnitude, Epicenter Location, and Time of Event Revealed

The territory of the USA experiences a variety of natural phenomena that, on some occasions, represent a certain danger to the population, such as earthquakes. For this reason, the USGS (US Geological Survey) analyzes each of these telluric movements by collecting data in real time such as the exact time, the location of the epicenter and the magnitude from the states of California, Hawaii, Texas, Alaska, and New York, where a strong 4.8 magnitude earthquake occurred at the beginning of April. In that context, here I share with you the latest USGS report on today’s earthquakes, Monday, April 15.

Follow the USGS official report over the latest confirmed tremors in the US this Monday, April 15 from the states of California, Hawaii, Texas, Alaska, and New York. Data corroborated with the interactive map Latest Earthquakes and the warning system ShakeAlert.

Tremor Facts Last earthquake in the US
Local date and time 2024-04-15 | 13:16:44 (UTC-05:00)
Magnitude 3.1
Latitude and longitude 19.144°N 155.467°W
Epicenter 6 km south of Pāhala, Hawaii
Depth 31.6 km
Fuente United State Geological Survey

On Friday, April 5, 2024, a strong tremor with magnitude 4.8 surprised American citizens living in the states New York and New Jersey. According to scientists from USGS, it is the strongest earthquake in the last 40 years in New York territory and the causes that produced this telluric movement are still being studied. For now, the United States Geological Survey analyzes the theory that it could have been a “sleeping” failure.

“We know that there are no active faults in the region where New York is located, but there are many very old inactive faults in the area, millions of years old, and we are analyzing this,” said Sara McBride, representative of the USGS Earthquake Program in an interview for the Telemundo network.

“It may be possible that one of these old dormant faults has been reactivated and we are looking at this possibility,” he added.

According to the latest study of the National Seismic Risk Model (NSHM), about 230 million people in the US could be affected by potential large-magnitude earthquakes within 100 years. “The new NSHM includes more faults, better characterized land surfaces, and computational advances that provide the most detailed view ever seen of the earthquake risks we face,” said Mark Petersen, USGS geophysicist and lead author of the study.

Why do earthquakes occur in California?

In California, there are two tectonic plates: the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The Pacific Plate is made up of most of the Pacific Ocean floor and the coast of California, while the North American Plate comprises most of the North American continent and parts of the Atlantic Ocean floor.

The main boundary between these two plates is the San Andreas Fault, which is more than 650 miles long and extends to a depth of fewer than 10 miles. Many other smaller faults, such as the Hayward (Northern California) and San Jacinto (Southern California), branch and join the San Andreas Fault.

Instead, the Pacific Plate is advancing northwestward past the North American Plate at a rate of about two inches per year. Parts of the San Andreas Fault system accommodate this movement by constant “slip” that results in many small shakes and some moderate ground tremors.

Seismic zones of the United States, according to the USGS report: The states most likely to register tremors are Texas, California, Alaska, Utah, Virgin Islands, Hawaii, among others

because they are located along the San Andreas Fault, one of the main geological faults in the country.
The USGS presented its new report on the seismic zones of the United States territory where there is a high probability of a strong earthquake.

How should you act before, during, and after an earthquake in the United States?

I share with you a useful list of good actions that you should take to be able to face a strong earthquake in the United States or any other country in the world. Put into practice the following security recommendations that I will show you below:

  • Before the earthquake in the United States
  • Constantly check your home’s infrastructure.
  • Install security locks, cabinets, and shelves.
  • Store the most fragile items in safe places.
  • Always have a first aid kit.
  • Find an optimal meeting point where there is enough security for your family.
  • Educate your family members so that they can turn off the electricity, gas, and water taps.

Make a list of emergency numbers to contact doctors, police, civil protection, among others.

  • During the earthquake or earthquake in the United States
  • Stay away from windows, mirrors, and sharp objects that could fall to the ground.
  • Find shelter under a sturdy table or you can also put it under a door frame.
  • Cover your head and neck with your arms.
  • Avoid using elevators and take stairs during the earthquake.

Never run out of a building when the earthquake is moving.

  • After the earthquake in the United States
  • Seek medical help to treat people with serious injuries.
  • Provide first aid and emotional support to injured people who need it.
  • Do not use your mobile phone irresponsibly, this way you will avoid overloading the lines.
  • Check the structural damage to your home.
  • Close the faucets to prevent possible leaks of electricity, water, or gas.
Do not light candles, matches, or other items that could cause a fire.
USGS Seismic Hazard Maps Explained
Seismic hazard is the risk associated with potential earthquakes in a given area, and a seismic hazard map shows the relative risks in different areas.


Noah Yactayo

Journalist and SEO analyst of the Audience Nucleus of Grupo El Comercio. I did my studies at ISIL in Lima, Peru. Ten years of experience in international football news coverage and other sports UFC, WWE, tennis, NBA, NFL, F1, and Olympic Games. Content generator in the USA, Mexico, and Spain. Study of AI tools such as Chat GPT and Gemini.

Bibliography of earthquakes in the USA

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