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Vanessa López Responds to Criticism of Parenting Choices: Attends Karol G Concert While Daughter is Hospitalized; Claims 6-Hour Absence was Justified | Showbiz | SHOWS

Vanessa Lopez used her social networks to defend herself after facing a wave of criticism for attending Karol G’s concert last weekend while her young daughter was hospitalized for a health issue.

On her Instagram stories, Tomate Barraza’s ex explained that she had been by her daughter’s side all week and only went to the Colombian singer’s show for a few hours, leaving her parents to take care of the child.

Vanessa Lopez defended her decision to attend the concert by explaining that she had tickets for the event for a long time and didn’t want to miss it. She mentioned that her mother encouraged her to go and relax while she looked after the baby.

In response to criticism that she wasn’t present for her daughter, Lopez also hinted at Barraza Tomato, implying that he was trying to portray her in a negative light. She claimed that he had only been with their daughter for 15 minutes and then posted a photo on social media to appear responsible.

Regarding her daughter’s health issues, Vanessa Lopez revealed that her daughter had been vaccinated the week before and had developed a fever upon returning from her father’s place. After seeking medical help, the child was hospitalized for dehydration.

In defense of her actions, Lopez emphasized that she was only away from her daughter for six hours to attend the concert and promptly returned to the hospital.

Despite the challenges she faced, Vanessa Lopez stood by her decision and clarified the sequence of events surrounding her daughter’s hospitalization.

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