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Venezuela sees rise in political prisoners as regime detains journalist on allegations of inciting assassination

Agents of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) of Venezuela arrested the activist and journalist Carlos Julio Rojas allegedly linked to a plot to assassinate the dictator, Nicolas Maduro during the registration of his candidacy for the presidential elections of the next 28 of July.

The information was confirmed by the Venezuelan prosecutor’s office, which pointed out the leader as “instigator” and “logistics operator” in the alleged assassination attempt against Maduro.

“The Public Ministry reports the arrest today (Monday) of Carlos Julio Rojas: who had an arrest warrant for being linked and directly identified as an instigator and logistical operator in the assassination attempt against the Head of State, Nicolas Maduro,” indicated the attorney general Tarek William Saab on social network X.

The Prosecutor’s Office links Rojas to this alleged foiled murder attempt for which two members of Sell ​​Venezuela opposition political group Maria Corina Machado banned from running in the presidential elections on July 28.

Mature, who usually denounces plans to assassinate him, said on March 25, from a platform installed on the outskirts of the National Electoral Council (CNE) in Caracas for his registration as a candidate, that two men who were seeking to kill him had been arrested in public.

Following the denunciation of the president, who will seek a third term that would give him 18 years in power, Saab announced charges for “terrorism” and “assassination attempt” for the two detainees. Vente Venezuela called the accusations “unfounded.”

Seven members of Machado’s campaign team have been detained, while seven others have arrest warrants.

“Persecution increases in Venezuela, two men in black kidnap the community activist and journalist, Carlos Julio Rojas, this Monday, April 15 (April) in Caracas, his relatives denounce (…). “Free Carlos Julio Rojas,” the human rights defender NGO said in X. Provide..

Last January, the NGO Public space highlighted in its monthly report that sympathizers of the ruling party maintained “bullying and harassment” towards the journalist, who reported that he has been “harassed, harassed and threatened by alleged shock groups linked to Chavismo. Furthermore, Rojas himself warned, last September, that security force agents “would be involving him in irregular events to arrest him.”

One of the last public appearances of Rojas, a neighborhood leader of his community in Caracas was during Holy Week when he organized the incineration of dolls alluding to the dictator Maduro and the opposition Manuel Rosales former rival of Hugo Chávez, during the traditional “Burning of Judas”, while police tried to prevent it.

To date, there are 269 “political prisoners” in Venezuela, according to the NGO Criminal Forum.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

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