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What Happened To Ava Wood

What Happened To Ava Wood

The Tragic Loss of Ava Wood

The Heartbreaking Story of Ava Wood

In a devastating turn of events in Baldwinsville, New York, a young girl’s life was tragically cut short. Fourteen-year-old Ava Wood was found deceased in her home on January 20, following what authorities believe was a murder-suicide perpetrated by her father, Christopher Wood, who also lost his life in the incident.

Discovery of the Tragedy

The grim discovery was made after Ava did not arrive at school that day, prompting her concerned mother to contact the police. Responding to the call, officers entered the Wood residence to find both Ava and her father with fatal gunshot wounds in separate rooms. The scene suggested that Christopher Wood had taken his own life after shooting his daughter.

A Community in Mourning

The news of Ava’s death has left the Baldwinsville community reeling. Ava was a ninth grader at Durgee Junior High School, where she was known for her academic prowess and athletic talent, particularly in soccer and track and field. The school district and her peers have expressed profound sadness, emphasizing the impact of her loss on the close-knit community.

Remembering Ava

Ava’s mother, Heather Wood, and the rest of her family have been overwhelmed by the support from friends and the community. In a statement, they encouraged those who knew Ava to share memories and tributes, highlighting her love for her friends and her vibrant spirit. A candlelight vigil was also held, drawing many from the community to honor her memory and support one another during this challenging time.

Athletic Achievements and Personal Qualities

Ava was celebrated not only for her academic achievements but also for her involvement in sports. She was a key player on the junior varsity soccer team and a dependable athlete in track and field events. Her coaches recalled her competitive nature and her ability to light up any room with her presence, describing her as a spirited and dependable friend and teammate.

Investigation and Community Response

The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths is ongoing. Meanwhile, the community continues to cope with the loss. The local school has provided counseling services to students and staff, helping them process the grief and shock. The incident has prompted discussions about mental health and safety in the community, with many calling for increased awareness and support resources.


The tragedy of Ava Wood’s death is a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of community support in times of crisis. As Baldwinsville mourns, it also comes together to remember Ava, a young girl whose life, though brief, touched many others deeply.


  • What happened to Ava Wood?
    Ava Wood was tragically killed in what appears to be a murder-suicide by her father, Christopher Wood, in their home in Baldwinsville, NY.
  • When did the incident occur?
    The incident occurred on the morning of January 20.
  • How has the community responded?
    The community has shown immense support through vigils, counseling sessions, and public statements of condolence and remembrance.
  • What was Ava Wood known for?
    Ava was known for her academic excellence and her participation in sports, including soccer and track and field.
  • Are there any support services available for those affected?
    Yes, counseling services have been made available at Durgee Junior High School for students and staff.
  • How can those who wish to help contribute?
    A GoFundMe page has been set up to assist the Wood family with funeral expenses and other needs during this time.

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