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What Happened To Gillie Son

What Happened To Gillie Son

Tragic Loss and Transformation: The Story of Gillie Da Kid and His Son

Tragic Loss and Transformation: The Story of Gillie Da Kid and His Son

Philadelphia rapper Gillie Da Kid faced the darkest moment of his life with the tragic passing of his eldest son, David “YNG Cheese” Spady, in July 2023. The incident, which resulted in YNG Cheese being fatally shot, marked a profound turning point for Gillie, not only as a father but also as a man. During a heartfelt appearance on The Pivot podcast, Gillie shared the emotional journey of coming to terms with his son’s death and how it reshaped his understanding of manhood.

The Heartbreaking Incident

In a sorrowful recount of the events, Gillie Da Kid described the day he lost his son to gun violence—a calamity that is all too familiar in many American cities. YNG Cheese, only 25 years old at the time, was shot in the back in Philadelphia. The shooting also injured two other men, who fortunately survived. This incident added to the city’s grim tally of gun violence victims, which had reached nearly 300 by mid-2023.

The news of YNG Cheese’s death sent shockwaves through the community and the music industry, leaving his family, friends, and fans in profound grief. Rumors circulated about the potential motives behind the shooting, with unconfirmed speculations pointing to gang-related activities. However, the true circumstances surrounding his untimely death remain unclear, as authorities had not named any suspects at the time.

A Father’s Pain and Realization

Gillie’s agony was palpable as he spoke about the rituals following his son’s death, which adhered to their Islamic faith. The act of washing his son’s body was a pivotal moment for Gillie, deeply ingrained in pain yet transformative. “That day, I became a man,” he expressed, indicating that the responsibilities he had previously associated with manhood paled in comparison to the act of preparing his son for his final journey.

Throughout this harrowing period, Gillie was supported by friends and fellow artists, including Philadelphia rapper Freeway, who provided solace and companionship. The community’s support was evident, with many sharing their condolences and offering comfort during the family’s time of need.

Public and Personal Responses

The impact of YNG Cheese’s death resonated beyond his immediate family. Gillie Da Kid, who is also a co-host on the popular podcast “Million Dollaz Worth of Game,” received an outpouring of support from the music community and his audience. Notable figures in hip-hop, including Drake and Killer Mike, publicly expressed their sympathies, highlighting the widespread affection and respect for Gillie and his family.

Gillie’s personal response to his son’s death was one of both vulnerability and strength. He openly shared his grief on social media, acknowledging the deep void left by his son’s passing while committing to remain strong for his family. This public acknowledgment of his pain drew further support from his followers, who rallied around him during this difficult time.

Legacy and Moving Forward

As the investigation into YNG Cheese’s death continues, Gillie Da Kid and his family are left to navigate their lives in the aftermath of this tragedy. The rapper’s experience has shed light on the broader issues of gun violence and its devastating impact on families and communities. Through his public platform, Gillie has the opportunity to advocate for change and support others who have faced similar losses.

In memory of his son, Gillie continues to honor YNG Cheese’s legacy through his music and public engagements. The journey of healing is long and fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with moments of love, support, and community that provide strength and solace.


  • Who was YNG Cheese?
    YNG Cheese, born David Spady, was a 25-year-old rapper from Philadelphia and the eldest son of Gillie Da Kid.
  • How did YNG Cheese die?
    YNG Cheese was fatally shot in the back in Philadelphia in July 2023. The circumstances surrounding his death are still under investigation.
  • Were there any suspects identified in the case?
    As of the latest updates, no suspects have been officially named in connection with YNG Cheese’s death.
  • How has the community responded to YNG Cheese’s death?
    The community, including fellow artists and fans, has shown significant support and sympathy towards Gillie Da Kid and his family during this difficult time.
  • What has Gillie Da Kid said about his son’s death?
    Gillie Da Kid has spoken about the profound impact of his son’s death on his life, emphasizing how it transformed his understanding of manhood and responsibility.

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