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What Happened To The Cat In The Blender

What Happened To The Cat In The Blender

Tragic Tale of a Cat and a Murder: The Scarlet Blake Case

Tragic Tale of a Cat and a Murder: The Scarlet Blake Case

Introduction to the Case

In a chilling incident that has captured the attention of the public and media alike, Scarlet Blake, a 26-year-old individual from the UK, was recently sentenced to a minimum of 24 years in prison. This sentence was handed down after Blake was convicted for the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno, a 30-year-old man, and for the horrific torture of a cat. The case has stirred significant controversy and horror, particularly because of the manner in which the crimes were committed and the motivations behind them.

The Horrific Act and Its Motivation

Scarlet Blake’s actions were reportedly influenced by a disturbing desire to impress an online romantic interest from the United States. According to court proceedings, Blake was urged by her girlfriend, who found the idea of murder sexually arousing. This twisted motivation led Blake to first torture a cat in a gruesome manner, which she livestreamed. During this livestream, Blake skinned and dissected the cat while it was still alive, eventually placing its body in a blender. This act was set against the backdrop of the song “True Faith” by New Order, a nod to a Netflix documentary that similarly involved animal cruelty and murder.

Months after the cat’s torture, Blake’s desire to escalate her actions took a darker turn when she targeted Jorge Martin Carreno. Carreno, a Spanish national working in Oxford, was lured to a secluded river spot, attacked with a vodka bottle, strangled, and then pushed into the river, leading to his death.

The Influence of Media

During the trial, the influence of the Netflix documentary “Don’t F–k With Cats,” which details the hunt for a killer who began by posting videos of animal cruelty, was brought up. The judge, Martin Chamberlain, expressed firm belief that the documentary had inspired Blake, despite her denials. This aspect of the case has sparked discussions about the impact of media on real-life violence and the responsibilities of content creators.

Legal Proceedings and Sentencing

The legal proceedings culminated in Blake receiving a substantial prison sentence. For the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno, Blake was sentenced to a minimum of 24 years. Additionally, concurrent sentences were imposed for the animal cruelty and criminal damage related to the cat’s torture. The judge’s remarks highlighted a clear sexual and pleasure-driven motivation behind the killings, adding a layer of grimness to the already dark case.

Public and Media Reaction

The case has led to widespread outrage and a complex discussion about the intersections of mental health, media influence, and criminal justice. It raises questions about the extent to which individuals can be influenced by external media and the ways in which such influences can be mitigated. The public’s reaction has been one of horror and disbelief, particularly towards the cruel nature of the crimes and the young age of the perpetrator.


The Scarlet Blake case serves as a grim reminder of the potential real-world impacts of online relationships and media consumption. It challenges society to reflect on the content that is being consumed and the potential it has to influence behavior in detrimental ways. As this case continues to be discussed and analyzed, it may hopefully lead to better understanding and strategies to prevent such tragedies in the future.


What was Scarlet Blake convicted for?
Scarlet Blake was convicted for the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno and the torture of a cat.

How long is Scarlet Blake’s prison sentence?
Scarlet Blake has been sentenced to a minimum of 24 years in prison for the murder, with additional concurrent sentences for animal cruelty and criminal damage.

What influenced Scarlet Blake to commit these crimes?
Blake was reportedly influenced by a desire to impress an online girlfriend and possibly by the Netflix documentary “Don’t F–k With Cats.”

What was the method used in the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno?
Jorge Martin Carreno was lured to a secluded spot, attacked with a vodka bottle, strangled, and then pushed into a river.

Has the media been linked to the motivations behind Scarlet Blake’s actions?
Yes, the media, particularly the mentioned Netflix documentary, has been discussed as a potential influence in the motivations behind Blake’s actions.

What has been the public reaction to this case?
The public reaction has been one of shock and horror, with many expressing concern over the influence of media on violent behavior.

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