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What Happened To The Turpin Children

What Happened To The Turpin Children

The Turpin Children: A Continuing Struggle for Justice and Recovery

The Turpin Children: A Continuing Struggle for Justice and Recovery

In a distressing turn of events, six of the thirteen Turpin siblings, who were previously rescued from their abusive parents, have found themselves in another harrowing situation. After escaping one nightmare, they allegedly entered another, facing abuse within the foster care system that was supposed to protect them. This revelation has led to a lawsuit against Riverside County in California and ChildNet Youth and Family Services, the agency responsible for their placement.

Allegations of Abuse in Foster Care

The youngest six Turpin siblings, after being liberated from their parents’ “house of horrors,” were placed under the care of Marcelino and Rosa Olguin in a foster home. However, instead of finding sanctuary, they reported experiencing severe physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. The allegations include inappropriate touching, sexual comments, and being forced to eat until they vomited—only to consume their vomit again. These claims have led to criminal charges against the Olguins, who have pleaded not guilty.

The attorney representing the siblings, Elan Zektser, expressed that the abuse faced in the foster system was, in some cases, more severe than what they endured from their biological parents. This has shocked the community and advocates alike, raising serious questions about the oversight and regulation of foster care providers.

The Legal Battle and Its Implications

The lawsuit filed by the Turpin siblings seeks not only justice but also a significant financial settlement to compensate for their suffering. The legal battle underscores a critical need for systemic change within the foster care system to prevent such abuses in the future. Zektser has emphasized that substantial financial repercussions are necessary to drive home the message that the welfare of children in foster care cannot be compromised.

Meanwhile, the criminal proceedings against the Olguins are ongoing, with the case still in the discovery phase. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for how foster care agencies and counties handle the placement and monitoring of vulnerable children.

Life After the “House of Horrors”

Despite the trauma, the Turpin siblings strive to rebuild their lives. Jordan Turpin, one of the siblings, has gained attention as a social media influencer and model. Her story of resilience and determination has inspired many, though she continues to deal with the emotional aftermath of her past. The siblings’ journey highlights the challenges faced by survivors of childhood abuse, particularly in navigating adulthood without a conventional upbringing.

Their ongoing struggles with trust, social interactions, and basic life skills are poignant reminders of their stolen childhoods. However, their courage in facing these challenges head-on is nothing short of heroic.

Community and Support

The community’s response to the Turpin siblings’ plight has been a mix of heartache and support. Several nonprofit organizations have stepped in to provide assistance, though the journey to healing is long and fraught with challenges. The public’s continued support and awareness are crucial as the siblings work towards healing and justice.

As the legal proceedings continue, it is hoped that the Turpin siblings will not only receive the justice they deserve but also the necessary support to finally lead a life free of abuse and full of potential.


  • What are the charges against the Olguins?
    The Olguins face multiple charges, including lewd acts with a minor, child cruelty, fraud, and witness intimidation.
  • How are the Turpin siblings doing now?
    While they continue to face challenges, the Turpin siblings are making strides in rebuilding their lives, with some engaging in education, social media, and advocacy.
  • What does the lawsuit aim to achieve?
    The lawsuit seeks compensation for the siblings and aims to highlight the need for systemic changes in the foster care system.
  • How can the public help?
    Public support can be shown through awareness, advocacy for foster care reform, and support of nonprofits aiding abuse survivors.
  • What lessons can be learned from this case?
    This case underscores the importance of rigorous vetting and monitoring of foster homes, as well as the need for effective channels for children to report abuse.
  • Is there a way to follow the progress of this case?
    Interested individuals should follow credible news sources and court records for updates on the legal proceedings.

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