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What Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton Get Right and Wrong

President Joe Biden officially launched the Democratic National Convention on its inaugural night, following a recent announcement of his exit from the 2024 presidential race. Among the prominent figures addressing the convention is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who previously ran for president in 2016.

The event aims to scrutinize the claims made by speakers during their addresses, while providing clarity on any inconsistencies or misleading statements. This coverage will continue alongside the speeches of Biden and Clinton.

Biden made several notable assertions regarding crime during his speech, including his claim that the “murder rate went up 30%” during Donald Trump’s presidency. This statement is supported by factual evidence. According to a report from The New York Times, 2020 witnessed the largest single-year increase in murder rates since such records began in the 1960s, as documented by FBI data. In that year, there were approximately 21,500 murders, marking an increase of roughly 5,000 compared to the previous year.

On the topic of violent crime rates, while Biden stated that these rates have dropped to their lowest in over 50 years, official data confirming this claim in 2023 is not yet available. The FBI is set to release comprehensive crime statistics in October. However, crime data specialist Jeff Asher indicated that preliminary estimates point towards a potentially record low violent crime rate in recent decades.

Biden’s assertion regarding the “smallest racial wealth gap in 20 years” is, however, inaccurate according to various experts. Actual data suggest that the wealth gap between Black and white families is continuing to widen. A study by Duke University indicated that the net worth gap increased significantly between 2019 and 2022, rising by 38% to $1.15 million. Additionally, findings from the Urban Institute also highlighted the growing disparity in wealth between racial groups, indicating alarming trends since the mid-1990s.

Another claim made by Biden focused on gun violence, stating that “more children in America are killed by a gunshot than any other cause.” This claim holds true. Since 2020, firearm-related deaths have surpassed motor vehicle fatalities as the leading cause of death among children aged 1 to 17, as reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Regarding manufacturing jobs, Biden claimed an addition of “800,000 new manufacturing jobs,” which is broadly accurate, but relies on selective data. Since January 2021, approximately 765,000 manufacturing jobs have been created. This increase comes on the heels of significant job losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic; thus, while the rise is substantial, the total remains only marginally above pre-pandemic levels from August 2019.

Biden also commented on legal matters involving Trump, stating that “thanks to Donald Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court, he’s completely immune from prosecution.” This statement references a recent Supreme Court ruling affirming that Trump has some protection from prosecution for actions taken while in office. While this ruling pertains to official actions, it does not grant full immunity and leaves room for potential legal challenges based on unofficial conduct.

Clinton, who is also taking the stage, is expected to discuss her support for Vice President Kamala Harris’s nomination. Throughout her career, Clinton has faced numerous conspiracy theories, and various false claims have been addressed and debunked by fact-checkers.

New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also anticipated to speak at the convention. She has been subject to a range of misinformation that has been thoroughly examined by fact-checking organizations.

In a significant shift, Biden chose to deliver his speech at the convention, departing from the usual practice of occupying the final slot typically reserved for the incumbent president. His decision to withdraw was influenced by mounting pressure within the Democratic Party, particularly following disappointing reviews of his debate performance against Trump in June.

This decision raised concerns about Biden’s age, as he is currently the oldest sitting president, with many Americans expressing apprehension regarding both his and Trump’s age. Ultimately, Biden determined that withdrawing from the race was in the best interests of his party and the nation and endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee, promoting the importance of empowering a new generation of leadership.

Even following Biden’s campaign exit, speculation about his health has continued to circulate, fueled by his absence from public events after a COVID-19 diagnosis. Though Biden has reassured the public about his health and commitment to complete his term, ongoing commentary about his mental and physical capacity remains a contentious topic in public discourse.