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Why Helen Hunt Nearly Passed on Starring in Twister

“Twister” was released at a time when special effects were still a work in progress. This meant that the actors had to get physical, as they didn’t have the luxury of using green screens to bring the action sequences to life. Understandably, this presented some tough challenges for Helen Hunt and her co-stars, but she’s extremely proud of what they accomplished.

“Looking back, it’s all for the best that there wasn’t the technology to do it all on your laptop. Instead, they just pummeled the s**t out of us, and it looks amazing,” Hunt recalled in an interview. She also noted that modern acting often entails performers staring at dots and tape, with the action sequences being inserted through digital wizardry later on. However, that wasn’t possible back in the day, so “Twister” is rooted in reality to some degree. “A lot of what we reacted to was really happening. And while it made it messier, it made it easier to act,” she added.

It’s safe to say that the hard work paid off, as “Twister” is one of the many hits on Hunt’s resume. Furthermore, the fact she completed the movie after recovering from an injury makes her performance all the more impressive.

To learn more interesting tidbits about the hit disaster movie, check out the untold truth of “Twister.”

Source: source names