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Budderside’s Patrick Stone and Sam Koltun Discuss New Album

On July 10, Budderside celebrated the release of their latest full-length album, White Flame.

With some of the best music the band has ever released, White Flame stands out as a testament to Budderside’s work ethic and commitment to releasing original, unique rock and roll.

This is the same work ethic and commitment that caught the ear of Lemmy Kilmister, who originally signed Budderside to his record label, Motorhead Music.

“When we go into record, nobody holds back,” frontman Patrick Stone said on Wednesday’s Loudwire Nights (July 10).

“If it’s not completely honest and really uncomfortable to sing about, we don’t print it, you know what I mean? It’s like a ‘Dude, is that really the best you can do’ kind of thing. We really push each other to be the best.”

Guitarist Sam Koltun agreed with his bandmate, describing Budderside’s distinct sound to host Chuck Armstrong as “catchy songs and cool riffs.”

“We try to come up with stuff that we like,” Koltun admitted, “and we hope that everybody else will too.”

Though Budderside have been making music officially for nearly a decade, Stone shared that it wasn’t until the middle of the pandemic that he was able to revamp the lineup, which led to a fresh focus for their future.

“I got rid of the old and in with the new,” Stone said matter-of-factly.

The frontman explained that he thinks the music on White Flame represents the best of what Budderside have done and Koltun seemed to agree wholeheartedly.

“This is something that we did together with our other guitar player and our drummer,” he said. “You know, it’s that mutual thing of everybody’s creativity put into one thing.”

That creativity isn’t limited to the studio for Budderside but is also amplified on the stage.

“I think we both very much do things by feel, in the moment,” Koltun said about Budderside’s live experience and his partnership with Stone.

“Every band seems to have this script they run on,” Stone added.

“If you’re on a tour night after night after night and you watch the same band, you’ll notice they say exactly the same things in between songs … [For us,] it’s all about the feel of the room, connecting with who’s right in front of us — allowing what they’re going through to kind of influence how we display our show, you know?”

Listen to the interview on Loudwire Nights for more.

Source: Loudwire