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Danny Elfman Sued for Denying Accuser’s Controversial Semen Martini Claim

Danny Elfman, a renowned film score composer, is being sued by a woman who accuses him of serving her a martini glass filled with semen. She asserts that his public denial of the incident portrays her as dishonest, while she insists that the event did indeed occur.

According to a new lawsuit obtained by TMZ, Nomi Abadi is suing Elfman for defamation. She claims that Elfman lied about her in a Rolling Stone article where he and his representatives denied any sexual misconduct towards her.

In the suit filed by attorney Eric M. George, Nomi states that Danny invited her to his studio in August 2016 and placed a martini glass filled with an off-white substance in front of her. She describes how she “sat in silence, terrified, and gagging from the putrid smell coming from it.”

To break the ice, Nomi claims Danny mentioned Donald Trump. When she responded by expressing support for Bernie Sanders, Danny allegedly replied, “We can’t have a Jew running our country.”

Elfman, also known as the lead singer for the new wave band Oingo Boingo, denied the martini glass claim in a July 2023 Rolling Stone article. The article was about him settling a sexual harassment allegation with Nomi for $830,000. In the magazine, his representative stated that the substance in the martini glass was actually a moisturizing cream called Cetaphil.

In her lawsuit, Nomi contends that Danny’s denial of her accusations, which include masturbating in front of her multiple times and inappropriate touching, amounts to defamation. She asserts that these events did occur and claims that his falsehoods have damaged her career and impacted her health.

Nomi is seeking damages from Elfman.

Efforts to reach Danny’s camp for comments have so far been unsuccessful.

Source: TMZ