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The Killers Pause O2 Show to Celebrate England’s Euro 2024 Win with Mr. Brightside


English soccer fans attending The Killers concert in London on Wednesday were treated to quite the surprise. The band paused their show so UK supporters could root on their team in the Euro 2024 semifinal. After The Three Lions secured the win, everyone celebrated with “Mr. Brightside!”

Check out the footage from The O2. The packed house, including all of the band’s members, stopped everything to watch the final seconds of England’s match against the Netherlands on the big screen.

You could hear a pin drop as England tried to hold on to its 2-1 lead. Once the final whistle blew and victory was confirmed in Germany, chaos ensued at the concert.

Red and white streamers flew out of cannons, and then the band launched into their hit song while everyone in the building jumped for joy.

The win was worthy of the epic celebration as it means England will now advance to the Euro 2024 final to take on Spain.

Some other famous English fans found ways to throw their support behind the team too. Ed Sheeran and Adele actually attended the game to root on Harry Kane and the boys.

The championship will kick off on Sunday. While The Killers don’t have a show set up for that day, fans can still gather at The O2, as London officials announced they’ll be streaming the game on the big screen there again.

Source: TMZ