Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category World

The 5 Things You Should Know This April 15

Trump’s trial in the Stormy Daniels case has commenced. Tension is escalating in the Middle East following Iran’s attack on Israel, while Russia has targeted Ukraine’s power grid. Additionally, severe weather is predicted for various regions in the US. Here’s…

Sydney Knife Attack Perpetrator Unmasked

Six days before entering a Sydney shopping center armed with a knife and starting stabbing everyone in his path, Joel Cauchi, 40, posted in a Facebook group that he was looking for surfing buddies in the popular Bondi Beach. Around…

Euro Surges in the Informal Currency Market of Cuba

The Euro rose again this Sunday in the black currency market in Cuba, reflecting the volatility of the informal exchange rate and the uncertainty of Cubans regarding the economic measures undertaken by the government of Miguel Diaz-Canel. If the day…

Genocide Trial Reopens Old Wounds in Guatemala

(CNN) — Juan Brito López was around 20 years old when soldiers invaded his home in the village of Pexla in the western highlands of Guatemala. He managed to escape, hiding in the forest, but tragically, he couldn’t save his…